Викторины и Опросы

Welcome to my quis "Mentor is the creator of the future."
Recall the material of the Conversation class Talks about important things and may be find yourself as a mentor.

I think you have found some new ideas for your future development. I wish you to become a mentor for someone "We are mentors, we are part of the great path, we are the future." It's priceless, it's forever.

Welcome to our quiz about nationaltity traits in Nizhegorodsky region!
I think you will find new facts about your roots!


Do you believe that the mentor is the creator of the future?

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How are you going to pass the session?

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What event are you attending on Victory Day?

  • Watch holiday events on the net (49%, 21 Голосов)
  • Firework (33%, 14 Голосов)
  • Concert on Minin square (14%, 6 Голосов)
  • Concert in my district (5%, 2 Голосов)
  • Immortal Regiment marches (0%, 0 Голосов)

Всего проголосовавших: 43

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What are you going to do on holidays?

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What do you like doing on the English lessons?

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Предлагаю полистать Новостную ленту и узнать какие мероприятия проходят не только по преподаваемой мной дисциплине АЯ, но и по другим тоже. Ведь обучение всегда рядом с воспитанием, а значит с всесторонним развитием!